610名 ICP 爱好者参加了第五次开发者研讨会。 DFINITY 亚太团队分享了近期社区活动,和关于 ckBTC, Canister Timers, Exchange Rate Canister, Feedback Board, ICRC 方面的进展。
- 活动链接:Twitter Spaces
- 参与人数:610
- 活动时长:81分钟
社区活动回顾 & 预告
- 5月10日,ICP主网上线二周年庆
- 5月16日,Dom在Metaspace Leader Summit的演讲
- 5月21日,Dom在黑山 ETH EdCom的演讲
R&D 路线图进展
- KYT canister online
- ckBTC minter public to everyone
- Chainanalysis, Toniq Labs (the only KYT provider online)
- Can buy/mint ckBTC via IC Lighthouse and ICPSwap
- 2000 satoshi per transaction
Response Verification V2
- Include response body, headers, status code, etc.
- dfx 0.14.0
- https://forum.dfinity.org/t/announcing-response-verification-v2/19135
Canister Timers
- Heartbeat has its own limit
- Schedule periodic and one-shot task
- dfx 0.13.1
- Good for contents publishing platform like Mora, Dmail, DSCVR, distrikt
Exchange Rate Canister
- https://wiki.internetcomputer.org/wiki/Exchange_rate_canister
- Use Http Outcalls to talk to the external servers
- Removed exchange rate proposals (144 per day)
- Used by ckBTC minter
Feedback Board
- Encourage people to join the ICRC discussion.
- https://github.com/dfinity/ICRC
ICRC的ledger里的 cycles 如果烧完了会如何?资产会消失掉吗?
- ICRC的ledger就是跑在普通的canister里,不会跑在系统子网上
- 会保留30天,这期间数据不会丢失
- Controller和canister ID will persist for 10 years
ckBTC里除了可以看到BTC UTXO的余额以外,还可以看到BTC的交易历史吗?
- BTC功能目前是通过management canister来提供的,详细信息可以 参考这里
- BTC集成是在ICP协议层完成的。ckBTC是一个应用。社区自己也可以做,譬如IC Lighthouse的icBTC
ICRC Rosetta API的集成进展如何?
Rosetta for ICRC ledgers got deprioritized and postponed to much later.
ETH-ICP的Phase 2进展如何?